Friday, November 1, 2013

my body hates me, and other things

about a month ago, i caught some kind of cough or cold. it was pretty miserable but pretty normal, except that my cough wouldn't go away. i kept thinking it would and it kind of did a couple times but then it would keep coming back. last week it started getting really bad and then i started having some trouble breathing, so i finally went to see a doctor at the student health center. she listened to my lungs and said there was a lot of mucus in them (gross, sorry). she thought i might have pneumonia so she had me get an x-ray. i don't have pneumonia, thank goodness, but i do have bronchitis. this explains a lot, mostly about why i've been so exhausted and unmotivated. now i'm on antibiotics and i hope this clears up soon because i cannot afford not to care about school any longer! this semester, man. on a different note, x-rays are pretty rad.

i thought that an x-ray picture of my skeleton is pretty appropriate for halloween, so here are my other halloween costumes. i dressed up as a teenage mutant ninja turtle for my ward party and as a panda bear for the other halloween parties i attended. i love halloween, mostly because i love getting creative with things like costumes and forcing my roommates to dress up. it was really fun.

i hope everyone's halloween was great. now it's november, so time for christmas music! (53 days until christmas, people, let's get psyched)

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