Thursday, November 7, 2013

hi november

it's november and i'm so glad. it felt like this semester was going by really slowly but all of a sudden we've reached the last few weeks of classes. soon it will be thanksgiving, then finals, then christmas! i think my antibiotics have been working because i'm starting to feel like myself again and it is such a relief. school is ten times harder when you're sick and i'm so happy to be functioning like a normal human again. besides the bronchitis, i've actually really enjoyed this fall semester. i love learning italian and my modern art and history of photography classes are so interesting. i have two ten-page papers due next week (not fun) but one of them is about how the photography of the kennedys influenced american public opinion of the jfk administration and it has been fascinating to research. also, for my art business class we are taking a field trip to southern utah for a conference on the business of art this weekend! mostly we're excited because our hotel has a swimming pool and we might do a little exploring and visit zions too. i love road trips and the girls in my class are really fun so i'm looking forward to it. plus, i get an excused absence from school. i haven't been on a field trip since high school so i'm pretty excited. happy weekend!


  1. Yo yo yo I didn't see this until now! Love you!

  2. Can I read your Kennedy photography paper when it's done? It sounds so interesting!
