Thursday, January 24, 2013

blogger's block

i am so over this weather! it's been freezing for far too long. i thought that was bad enough, but then today we had a freak storm that covered all of campus in a sheet of ice. quelle nightmare. (name that movie, please)

anyway, i'm going to blame the weather for my lack of inspiration, because i've totally been having blogger's block. is that a thing? i don't know, if not i'm making it a thing. i really do want to blog more. my sisters are so good at it and they make me want to be more consistent and creative too. (check out my little sister's blog redesign. i'm in love with it. #artsy)

until i come up with some better ideas, i leave you with an instagram photo and a list of what's going on in my life at the moment.

right now i am:

-wishing for sunshine and saltwater sandals
-reading anna karenina and loving it (and by "reading" i mean i was reading it 2 weeks ago before school started and i keep intending to pick it back up)
-still loving the lumineers
-counting down the days until i leave for europe (we're in the double digits—96!)
-craving a cubby's tri-tip steak salad like NONE OTHER
-still obsessed with the mindy project
-also obsessed with these rice krispy treats (they're the easiest and SO DELICIOUS)
-pretending it's already friday

happy almost weekend!


  1. WHY DID WE NEVER GO TO CAFE RIO? why why why

    ps. Cubby's does sound really, really good right now. And speaking of food --- CHICK FIL A HAS SOUP NOW! I'm probs trying the chicken tortilla sometime this weekend.

    As you can tell, I'm all about the food right now. And always.


    I accidentally typed "YOU'RE" and then realized. And then realized that could be acceptable. Thank you're, ladies and gentlemen.
