Sunday, October 28, 2012

thoughts at 2 a.m.

hi. it's been a while.

blogging has been at the back of my mind quite a lot recently, but i always have a lot on my plate, so i'm taking advantage of my insomnia to finally start writing on here again.

school is kind of great and terrible. i was at the library for ten hours today. ten. on a saturday. that is a long time, people! i'm (mostly) enjoying my classes, but i'm really looking forward to the end of the semester. i'm ready for a break and a change of pace.

the other day i had a cool, chance meeting with one of my favorite bloggers, natalie, from nat the fat rat. i went to the wilk to grab some dinner before taking a test and she was there with her sister. she was super nice and totally adorable and we chatted about the east coast and byu and art history and then i was dorky enough to ask for a picture. thanks, natalie!

i'm really excited for the month of november! lauren will be visiting soon (yay!) and for thanksgiving, liz and i are taking a road trip to san francisco. i can't wait! i think i was eleven the last time we were there, and i loved it, so i'm looking forward to experiencing the city now when i can better appreciate it. and i'm really excited to go to the sf moma and the palace of the legion of honor. and bi-rite.

only about three more days until it's kind of socially acceptable for me to listen to christmas music. yessss.

speaking of music, i bought taylor swift's new album and i'm obsessed. duh. i think my favorite song is "the last time." i can't stop listening to it. also, please watch this. tswift and a beautiful man and paris and my other fave song. love.

speaking of being obsessed, i just got this coat in yellow and way on sale and i'm in love, i'm in love and i don't care who knows it!

i've applied for this study abroad program in the spring! i am so incredibly excited about it. between my french and art history classes, i have spent every day dreaming about going to europe, and now it's hopefully going to happen! i cannot believe how amazing the program is—england, france, italy, greece, austria, and germany! is this real life?

also, it's halloweekend. hooray for last-minute costumes and happy halloween, from my biker gang to yours. (mom, please note the tattoo i got for you)


  1. that awkward moment when we have the same flower shirt from Forever...
    P.S. mad you went to SF without me. mad. mad I didn't know about that.
