Tuesday, January 21, 2014

christmas break

christmas break was the best best best. besides having a wedding right in the middle of it, i got to spend lots of time with my parents and sisters, cousins and grandmas and aunts and uncles, and my best friends. we hung out in new jersey as well as visiting philadelphia and new york city several times and upstate new york where our extended family lives. it was so much fun, and much of that is probably due to the number of bakeries and museums we went to. bakeries and museums are my two favorite institutions in the world. anyway, here is a play-by-play of the photos above:

happiest reunion of lauren and scout
happiest reunion of shake shack and me
city of {sisterly} love
federal donuts, this one is gingerbread and giving me withdrawals
LOVE and christmas
selfies with babies at basketball games
times square and bryant park
girl with a pearl earring!
levain bakery and the cookies of my dreams
hannah and caro take new jersey
central park with my top dudes (thx dad for being our personal photographer)
starry night and golden marilyn, 2 faves from MoMA
LOVE my bffs
rockefeller plaza pals

i'm very much wishing i was back on the east coast playing instead of in utah studying. april, come quicker or someone plz mail me a dark chocolate peanut butter chip cookie from levain!