Monday, January 20, 2014

2 0 1 4

it's been a while. life has pretty busy of late but i always miss writing on this little blog. i've been lucky enough to have a lot of cool things going on recently so i'm working on a few different posts to document it all. it's currently 1:30 a.m. but i can't sleep so i figure now's as good a time as any to write a blog post. we're a couple weeks into january and i've still been thinking a lot about resolutions and the new year. honestly, i was pretty glad to see 2013 go. both the happiest and the hardest experiences of my life happened in 2013. i grew a lot and learned a lot but i am so ready for a fresh, new year to fill with life lessons and experiences. i've got a whole bunch of exciting plans for this year—completing an internship, taking the LSAT, applying to law school, and graduating from college, to name a few! listing those all out together is both thrilling and terrifying, just so you know.

i'm a list-loving, resolution-making kind of girl, so of course i have to talk about my new years resolutions too.

1. read the scriptures every day.
2. read 30 books.
3. go to bed earlier.

i really struggle with scripture reading, so my goal this year was not to miss a single day. it's only been three weeks and it has not been easy for me! i'm starting to settle into a better routine and i can see myself getting more out of the scriptures and feeling a change in my daily life. if you want to follow along, i've really been loving this book of mormon instagram account that posts verses to read and a discussion question to think about for every day of the year.

i'm excited to read 30 books this year. that may not seem like a lot, but when you're busy with school and work, it's a challenge. i've noticed, though, that i'm a lot happier when i make some time to read for fun during the busyness of the semester. some of the books i look forward to reading this year are the monuments men, steve jobs, lean in, and the spectacular now.

i'm from a family of night owls who also suffer from insomnia, so i haven't really established good sleeping habits (exhibit a: it is 1:30 a.m.) and this is something i am realizing is so important. i have work/school every day from around 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. with maybe an hour break, and so far this semester i have been exhausted! i am obviously failing on this resolution so far, but let it be known that i am giving myself a grandma bedtime from here on out.

on this note, i'm also trying to abide by two general ideas this year. one is taking care of myself and the other is using time wisely. 2013 was a hard year for me health-wise, so this year i really want to take good care of my body and myself. for me this means eating healthier, getting more sleep and more exercise, and taking time to relax. i am also trying to use my time more wisely. i often find time management difficult, so this year i am striving to prioritize and plan and cut out time-wasters and generally make the most of my time. i saw the quote below somewhere on pinterest and i loved it (as beyoncé is my idol) so i threw together a prettier version in photoshop. anyway, i thought it was brilliant and true and a good thing to remember.

let's do this, 2014.

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