Sunday, December 30, 2012

we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year

being home for christmas has been so wonderful. my family has spent a lot of time together at home, as well as visiting philadelphia, new york city, and our extended family in upstate new york. it has been so satisfying to relax and read and sleep in and play a million word games and watch 2 movies on netflix a day. here are a couple photos of what i've been up to.

my friend ali and i at our friends' wedding
traditional mirror pic in the church bathroom
diana mini film camera! my favorite christmas present.
starry night. i love the MOMA. 
at rockefeller plaza with liz

goofing around with my sisters after we took some family photos

my grandparents' beautiful farmhouse
snowing at the farm

i am so grateful for this christmas season, and not just because i've gotten to take a break from school and come home. i am thankful for christmas as a reminder of how blessed i am, of how much i love my family, of the significance of the gospel in my life, and of the gift of my savior jesus christ. i love this time of year and am always sad to see it go, but i love the beginning of the new year and the changes and opportunities that it brings. i am excited for 2013 and i hope it's my best year yet!

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