Tuesday, November 20, 2012


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i am feeling incredibly grateful this week. i had a lot of tests and papers and projects all coming up at the same time and i was feeling very overwhelmed, but the last couple days i've experienced one tender mercy after another and so many answers to prayers. i am truly blessed, and it gets even better because i get to take a break from school and head to san francisco with this girl for the rest of the week!

i'm really thankful for my family and for my friends. i'm thankful for my job and the opportunity i have to go to byu. i'm thankful for where i'm at in my life and for the gospel i'm blessed to have as well. i'm thankful for all the little luxuries that make my life happier and for the little experiences that make it richer. i'm thankful for my heavenly father and the ways i see his hand in my life every day.

i love the thanksgiving season and the reminder it is to count our blessings and be grateful. i really loved this recent byu devotional on gratitude. if you get the chance, you should read it this week. anyway, i hope you have a great thanksgiving and that you get to spend your time with loved ones doing things you love.

p.s. wish us luck on our 12 hour road trip tomorrow. PARTY