Tuesday, May 15, 2012

playing catch-up

i feel like the past few weeks have flown by. i'm really enjoying being home for the summer so far. i've been working, but work has been pretty slow because of the constant rain, which is nice. i've gotten to spend a lot of time with lauren and my parents, and already i've gotten to do some really fun things i was looking forward to this summer. i've been pretty much absent from the blog front, which i used to feel sort of guilty about, but i realized how silly it is to worry about your online presence when you're being involved in what's actually happening around you. i think that's more important, but that's not to say i don't love this little blog. i do really enjoy writing and putting my thoughts out there so i'm happy to finally be getting back on here. i've got a lot more free time these days so i'll hopefully be posting much more often. anyway, i'm excited for this summer—i think it's going to be a good one!

1 comment:

  1. I read this when you posted it, but just reread it again. I love love love what you said about your online presence versus living your life. It reminds me of a certain favorite quote of yours regarding texting :) but I do love your blog so I think you should post soon! love you em.
