Wednesday, February 15, 2012

birthday girl

happy birthday to my favorite little sister!

lauren, i miss you a whole lot. thanks for being an example to me and for always reminding me how to be a good friend. i like your style, your sense of self, your passion for learning new things, and how perfectly you always understand me. i love skyping with you and your weird cat, watching audrey movies together, and even working at rarec with you. (just kidding about rarec, but my summer was fifty times better when you were working there with me!) i miss sitting in your room just to talk and trying to convince you to let me raid your closet. thanks for putting up with me when i'm crazy (even though you do roll your eyes a whole lot) and for always supporting me. i can't wait for you to come visit in march, and i can't wait to spend this summer with you! i hope your day today is magical and filled with all of your favorite things.

love you tons,

1 comment:

  1. lovelovelove. also I can't wait till she comes to visit in March, either!
