Wednesday, April 24, 2013

almost there

unrelated photo of pizza. it's whatevs. (the photo choice, not the pizza. the pizza is amazing.)
the end of this semester has been a long time coming. i don't think i've ever been as relieved to be done with classes and finals as i was this past week... even packing and cleaning has been a joy in comparison. that's saying a lot because packing is one of my least favorite activities in the world, right between going to the dentist and raking leaves.

minus some annoying housing issues (good old provo), this week is turning out pretty great. last days in provo mean eating as much pizza and waffles and tacos and ice cream as we can fit into our schedule. also this weekend one of my best friends is getting married! i'm going to be a bridesmaid and then i'm flying home on sunday to spend a couple days with my family before i head off to europe for my study abroad. i can't believe that i'll be arriving in greece in a week! i've been counting down to this for so long, it seems unreal that it's finally here. i'm kind of freaking out. i'm so excited about everything, especially italy and france. i'm planning to blog and upload photos while i'm in europe because i want to remember everything and i know my family wants to know what i'm up to. we'll be traveling to athens, rome, florence, venice, vienna, salzburg, munich, paris, and london. can you believe that list?!! i still haven't gotten over it.

once my program's over, i'll be spending two and a half weeks at home and then i'll be back in provo for summer term. i'm really excited because i've never been out here for summer before and i'll just be working part-time and not taking classes. paaarty.

but for now, i'm attempting to pack six weeks' worth of cute clothes in the smallest suitcase possible without having a meltdown. WISH ME LUCK.

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