Wednesday, April 4, 2012

birthday girl

i just realized that i had written this draft the other day for my sister's birthday but then forgotten to publish it.. oops! happy belated birthday, liz!

thanks for always being an example to me and mostly for putting up with me and my nonsense. i've loved getting to spend these past two years at BYU with you and i don't know what i will do when you graduate! i love you and your idiosyncrasies, your increased stress level in my presence, your acknowledged snobbishness, and your passion for the things you love. i love hearing you talk about design and italian. i love discussing life philosophies with you. i love running into you on campus and going to the library just to talk to you. i love that you love one direction. i love when you walk over to my apartment at 11 pm to bring me cookies. thanks for being here for me. it's meant a lot. have the happiest birthday—you deserve it.

love you tons,

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